

Reog Tengger

Reog Tengger: Mystical Dance of the Tenggerese on Mount Bromo

Standing grandly in the enormous caldera of the once old Mount Tengger, is Mount Bromo, The symbol of East Java, a genuinely eminent miracle. Its awesome dawn and dazzling beautiful view have enthralled vacationers from all around the world. Mount Bromo is additionally the home of the Tengger sub-ethnic gathering who until today still safeguard their well established conventions and lifestyle. One of these is the specialty of Reog. Despite the fact that Reog itself starts from the neighboring regime of Ponorogo, the Reog Tengger has its own unmistakable qualities that recognizes it from Reog Ponorogo 

Reog is a customary Javanese move from East Java that includes numerous components including smooth movement, unprecedented physical quality, just as extreme outfits and beautifications. 

The fundamental character of Reog is the otherworldly lion-like animal called Singa Barong. Singa Barong is an immense veil made to look like a tiger's or panther's head, over whose head are enthusiasts of long peacock plumes. The Singa Barong veil is famously overwhelming where the artist must be equipped for conveying the 30 to 40 kg cover by the quality of his teeth as it were. Consequently individuals trust that the individual ready to execute this accomplishment should doubtlessly have extraordinary capacities and qualitymore than 2.5 meters including the peacock plumes and other vivid improvements
Reog Tengger
Reog Tengger

Once in a while, the Singa Barongan - now and then called barongan - may likewise convey a young fellow or young lady on the lion's head. Notwithstanding the heaviness of the individual sitting over the lion's head, in this manner, the Reog artist should then bear a weight of 100 kilograms , and this just by the quality of his teeth! . Holding this gigantic substantial cover by gnawing into it, he depends on the quality of his jaws, neck and shoulder muscles. The width of the veil itself traverses more than 2.5 meters including the peacock quills and other bright embellishments 

A Reog execution for the most part comprises of three arrangements of moves while each move is performed by a few people. The first is the opening move, performed by warok, male artists wearing totally dark outfits symboliseing harsh men wearing threatening mustache and other manly attributes.The second is the Jaran Kepang move performed by Jatil which was initially performed by a gemblak, an attractive, high school kid wearing brilliant ensemble. Today female artists more often than not assume this job. While the third move is the primary fascination of the show performed together by all Reog artists. The warok as the star male entertainer, conveys the enormous and overwhelming lion cover and moves on middle of everyone's attention while the others move around him. To stress the barongan artist's unprecedented quality, the Jatil at that point hops on top, riding the lion cover and is then along these lines taken around the field

Beginnings and significance of Reog Tengger 

The Reog move depicts the tale of Klono Sewandono, lord of Ponorogo who ventured to Kediri to look for the hand of Princess Songgo Langit. On this voyage, the King alongside his company and warriors were assaulted by a horrible beast called Singa Barong, a legendary lion with peacock quills on its head. An incredible fight resulted which included in physical battles as well as utilizing extraordinary ability. 

The presentation is then joined by energetic music of the customary gamelan ensemble that include the gendang, gong, saron, kenong, angklung, and other conventional instruments. In any case, unmistakable from the first Reog Ponorogo, Reog Tengger additionally consolidates present day melodic instruments, for example, the electric guitar and bass. These are advancements made by the Tenggerese, that incorporate conventional melodies as well as the more present day 'campur sari' tumes that are famous among the Tengger people group 

Another distinctive part of Reog Tengger when contrasted with Reog Ponorogo is that while Reog Ponorgo depends generally on extraordinary physical quality that has been created over long periods of concentrated preparing, the Reog Tengger includes progressively magical components where the barongan's artist is brought into a daze when he plays out the move. To accomplish this, exceptional arrangements are required before every presentation: A 'dukun' or 'shaman' plans contributions to favor the exhibition and to draw in 'spirits' to participate in the exhibition. The contributions incorporate gedang ayu, rokok kinangan komplet (hand-moved cigarette comprising of areca nut, betel, and a mix of three blooms known as KembangTelon), Jenang Wonco (conventional Javanese tidbits cooked in five hues: white, red, green, yellow, and dark), Sego Gulung (7 rice balls with steamed egg filling), dark espresso (without sugar), new water, kembang setaman (different kinds of blossoms), pituan (Coconut, rice, and 5 crude eggs), and that's just the beginning. 

When you travel to Bromo in East Java set aside some effort to observe this uncommon exhibition

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